PATCH - Expansion - Pit Trials and Fossil Collections (2025)



Staff Member

  • May 18, 2024
  • #1

Archeology Desk

  • Players can now craft Archeology Desks using the Carpentry skill under the Utility category
  • Archeology Desks are used by players to participate in Pit Trials and to construct Fossil Collections

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Archeology Desk Menu

  • Players can only use Archeology Desks if they are Locked Down inside of a house
  • Players can double-click the Archeology Desk to launch the Archeology Desk Menu

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From the Archeology Desk Menu players can:

  • Participate in Pit Trials
  • Claim Spoils (Loot Items) earned from previous Pit Trials
  • View My Stats for their character's Most Recent and Best Pit Trial runs
  • View Rankings of the best Pit Trial runs of all players
  • Manage and construct Fossil Collections

Pit Trials

  • Pit Trials are a time-based, competitive Monster Arena where 1-5 Players battle against waves of increasingly difficult monsters
  • To start a Pit Trial, players must have access to an Archeology Desk and accumulate sufficient Survival Gear

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Survival Gear

  • Players will encounter Survival Gear as somewhat Rare Loot from most loot-generating systems
  • Players will need 10 Survival Gear to start a Pit Trial

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  • Survival Gear can be stored within Resource Stockpiles

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Pit Trial Types and Difficulty Scaling

  • Players can choose from 3 different Pit Trial Types that determine how many players can enter the event as well as the difficulty scaling of the content
  • Players can use the Left/Right Arrow Buttons in the center of the menu to switch the Trial Type between 1 Player, 3 Player, or 5 Player

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  • In the center of the menu players can see what mechanics of the Pit Trial will be adjusted, on a Per Wave basis, based on the Pit Trail Type that is chosen

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Mechanics for each Pit Trial Type are as follows:

One Player Pit Trial
Creature Damage Dealt:
+5% Per Wave
Creature Aggro Range: +2 Per Wave
Min Creature DifficultyValue: +5 Per Wave
Max Creature DifficultyValue: +10 Per Wave
Total Creature DifficultyValue: +125 Per Wave

Three Player Pit Trial
Creature Damage Dealt:
+10% Per Wave
Creature Aggro Range: +2 Per Wave
Min Creature DifficultyValue: +10 Per Wave
Max Creature DifficultyValue: +20 Per Wave
Total Creature DifficultyValue: +250 Per Wave

Five Player Pit Trial
Creature Damage Dealt:
+15% Per Wave
Creature Aggro Range: +3 Per Wave
Min Creature DifficultyValue: +15 Per Wave
Max Creature DifficultyValue: +30 Per Wave
Total Creature DifficultyValue: +500 Per Wave

Starting a Pit Trial

  • On the "Pit Trial" page of the Archeology Desk Menu, players can start Pit Trials by clicking the "Start Pit Trial" button
  • In order to start a Pit Trial the initiating player must have 10 Survival Gear in their backpack
  • Players cannot start a Pit Trial if there is already a Pit Trial still in progress that was initiated from that same Archeology Desk

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  • Once a player starts a Pit Trial, they will automatically be added as a participant to it
  • Based on the Pit Trial Type, a number of additional players can also participate in the Pit Trial, but they must be in a Party with the initiating Player in order to enter
  • Players cannot enter a Pit Trial if they are already part of an existing Pit Trial currently in progress

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Entering Pit Trials

  • Each participant can enter the Pit Trial by clicking the "Enter Pit Trial" button
  • Players can immediately enter a Pit Trial once it has been initiated, however Creature Wave Spawns will not begin for 30 seconds (i.e players will have several seconds to "prepare" before creatures arrive)

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Pit Trial Hotbar

  • Upon entering the Pit Trial players will automatically have a Pit Trial Hotbar that tracks the current Wave, Time Remaining, Team Gold Earned, and Creatures Remaining in current wave
  • Players can relaunch the Pit Trial Hotbar by typing [PitTrialHotbar or [PitTrialsHotbar or [PitHotbar

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  • As as soon as a Pit Trial is initiated, waves of creatures will begin to spawn within 30 seconds
  • Players will see countdown system text informing them how much time they have until these creatures begin spawning

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Pit Trial Basics

  • Pit Trials are instanced and will occur in one of 8 Random Pit Trial Arenas, with each featuring a different visual theme
  • Pit Trials last for 30 minutes
  • Pit Trials are Mountless
  • There are no restrictions on Items, Skills, Templates, or Followers for characters within Pit Trials
  • All PvM-based bonuses available to players such as Codexes, Mastery Chains, etc will apply to players and their followers

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  • During Pit Trials players will face waves of creature spawns
  • Players must kill all creatures of the current wave before a new wave will spawn
  • With each subsequent wave, players will encounter creatures increasing difficulty as well as numbers, with adjustments based on the Pit Trial Type chosen (1 Player, 3 Player, or 5 Player)

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Creatures Remaining in Wave

  • Players can view how many Creatures Remain in the current wave in the Pit Trial Hotbar
  • Note: this number can increase during the middle of waves if creatures spawn minions, and those minions must be killed for the next wave to begin

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Team Gold Earned

  • When a Pit Trial creature is killed, they will not drop Loot on their corpse
  • Instead, the Raw Gold Value of the creature be added towards the team's collective Team Gold Earned score
  • Gold-increasing bonuses from players (such as Fortune Aspect, Mastery Chains, etc) will not increase the Raw Gold Value of a creature
  • Players can view their Team Gold Earned score during a Pit Trial at the bottom of the Pit Trial Hotbar

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Pit Trial Creature Mechanics

  • Pit Trials are considered part of the Netherzone Region (instead of Wilderness) for Slayer Bonuses / Redline Experience / etc
  • Pit Trial creatures will not occur as Paragons
  • Pit Trial creatures cannot be Tamed
  • Stealthed/Hidden enemies during Pit Trials will reveal themselves if they have not attacked a player or follower within 10 seconds

Pit Trial Resolution

  • Once 30 minutes have expired, the Pit Trial will end, and all remaining creature spawns will be deleted
  • A Public Moongate leading to Towns will appear in the center of the arena
  • Players will have 2 minutes to collect any items from player/follower corpses, after which they will be Ejected from the arena to their last Moongate destination and all remaining items in the Pit Trial Arena will be deleted

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  • Upon completion of a Pit Trial, a collection of Spoils (Loot Items) will be generated for the team based on their Total Gold Earned score with items randomly assigned to different members of the team
  • The collection of Spoils will always contain at least one Fossil Part and one Mastery Chain Link
  • Players can claim Spoils from the "Spoils" page of the Archeology Desk Menu from any Archeology Desk (does not have to be the one they launched the Pit Trial from)
  • Any Spoils not claimed by a player within 7 Days will be deleted

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My Stats

  • Players can view statistics about their Pit Trial runs under the My Stats page of the Archeology Desk Menu

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  • Players can view stats about their Most Recent Run or their Best in Week / Best in Season / Best in Lifetime
  • A player's "Best" run for Week / Season / Lifetime are based on the Team Gold Earned score (and not their own individual Gold Earned on the run)

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  • On the Rankings page players can see how their Best Runs of the Week/Season/Lifetime compare to that of other players across the server
  • A player's Best Run for those time periods are based on their Team Gold Earned from the run (and not their individual Gold Earned)
  • Note: Because Pit Trials are a team-based event, there will often be "clusters" of players in the Rankings list of players with Tied rank numbers, as they were part of the same Pit Trial Run and shared the same Team Gold Earned from it (presuming that run is the best for each teammate)

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  • Players can click the "Detail" Orb Button next to a player's to view a full summary of that player's Best Run

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Fossil Collections

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Fossil Parts

  • Players will encounter Fossil Parts as Spoils (Loot Items) from completing Pit Trials
  • Fossil Parts can added to Archeology Desks and assembled into a completed Fossil Collection

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Fossil Page

  • Players can store Fossil Parts and assemble Fossil Collections on the "Fossils" page of the Archeology Desk Menu

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  • There are 10 different Fossil Collections possible, each representing some sort of creature or humanoid
  • Players can click the Left/Right buttons on the bottom left of the menu to navigate between different Fossil Collections
  • Each Fossil Collection has a different set of Fossil Parts that must be added in order to assemble the collection

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Add Fossils

  • Players can click the "Add Fossils" button on the Fossils page to add all Fossil Parts currently held in the players backpack into the Archeology Desk
  • Any Fossil Parts stored in the Archeology Desk will have an "X Stored" indication showing how many of that particular Fossil Part is being held
  • Players can click the Small Orb button next to a Fossil Part to remove it from the Archeology Desk and place it into their Backpack

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Assembling Fossil Collections

  • If players have at least 1 of every Fossil Part needed for a Fossil Collection stored, the "Assemble Collection" button will appear with Green text and players may click it

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  • Clicking the Assemble Collection button will remove 1 of each Fossil Part stored and create an Addon Deed in the player's backpack for that Fossil Collection

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  • Fossil Collection Deeds can be used to place an Addon inside of a house

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Achievements [To Be Coded]

  • We will add a series of Achievements for participation in Pit Trials
  • We will add a series of Achievements for assembling Fossil Collections
PATCH - Expansion - Pit Trials and Fossil Collections (2025)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Views: 5649

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.